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This site gets roughly 1,500 visitors a week. Not hits, actual people. And what are they looking for?

Information. Some tips, advice and guidance to one of the major attractions in Dublin City. Pubs. And having a good time in this lively city.

But what have they all got in commmon?

Money. They want to spend it. And you're business can get some of that.

Here are several excellent promotional opportunities on the site:

1. The Pubs Map
This is one of the most popular items onthe site. You can sponsor both the page and the printed version of the map which has been downloaded thousands of times already.

2. Cocktail & Shorts drinking guide
Not on the site yet but another item with great potential.

3. Sponsor the main city pub guide.
The most popular page on the site. You would have great visibility there.

Contact me to discuss the options in more detail


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