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Here you'll find various information about pubs, drinking, opening hours and all that sort of thing. Don't forget to check out the FAQ.

Pub Crawls
A true test of the drinker and fun as well

How much?£$?
The price of drink - are you being ripped off?

How I rate Dublin pubs

Looking for a job in Dublin?

Sex n' Drink
Men & women. Pubs & beer. A dangerous mix

Quality Control
Good or Bad, the standard of beer

Door Policy
Getting into pubs and not getting thrown out

Time, please
New laws allow for longer pub hours

The Pub Owners
Who's behind the pub scene?

Pubs around Ireland
Selected pubs around the country

Accommodation Guide
B&B's, hotels, hostels, etc.

Who am I and why do I do this?

The lighter side of beer, pubs and drinking. Anything for a laugh. Here

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