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The Real Dublin Pub

Dublin City Ireland (the home of Guinness) has some great Irish pubs, or bars if you will. Here is one (honest) view on the buzz, beer, nightlife and the action in some of the best and most entertaining pubs in the world. Dublin pubs. But Dublin also has some poor pubs and this guide will attempt to point you in the right direction.

Which pub?
Hotspots - top pubs in Dublin city | Dublin | Dublin pubs | Dublin pubs Trendy pubs, old style pubs, pubs with good beer, pubs for stags/ hens. check out the Editor's top choices of top Dublin pubs
Answers to most of your questions

Where to stay in Dublin
Great places to stay

Looking for a job in Dublin?
Some tips, useful links and advice

Pub Crawls in Dublin
A true test of the drinker and fun as well

Rugby & Sports pubs
Coming for the rugby?

Stags & Hen Parties
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Dublin City Pubs
Pubs in Dublin City centre

Dublin City Map
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Pub Crawls in Dublin
A true test of the drinker and fun as well

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Opening hours, prices, age limts, bouncers....

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© Copyright 2002. Andrew Gilleran. Nobody can reproduce anything on DublinPubs.net without the Editor's permission. The views and opinions expressed on this site are the Editor's own. OK?

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