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So many pubs, so little time....

Many people know that Dublin is one of the best places to go if you're young(ish), like drinking and having a good time. And it has a hell of lot of pubs. Almost too many. I said, almost.

What you want from a pub is up to you. This site should give you some idea of the options available in Dublin to satisfy even the most hardened drinker, social animal or horniest young man or woman even.

I hope you've found this site useful, interesting or even inspiring. It's just a fun thing. Useful for those visiting Dublin or even those who live here and aren't really sure as to where to go.

Sadly, I'm no longer going to read any more emails because of the sheer amount of spam I get. It's not worth sorting through the few genuine emails I get anyway.

Any queries should be answered on the FAQ page.

Cheers and enjoy Dublins' pubs.

Andy the Editor

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