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How I rate Dublin pubs

What makes a good pub? Difficult to say, really. It's a potent mixture of lots of things. Location, the people, decor, the beer. Some pubs are good for action or scoring, some are better for dating. Even among my own mates, we can't agree on what pubs to go to. Nothing is cast in stone here. These are just my views of the pubs of Dublin.

So, what do I rate them under:

      • Buzz - atmosphere, 'craic' how lively (or not) it is.
      • Decor - some interior design reviews here.
      • Scoring - ah yes, can you score?
      • Babe + Hunks heaven/hell - and with who.
      • Beer standards - a pet gripe for me.
      • And the toilets - toilets say everything about a pub. Honest.

Five is excellent, one is crap. Three is average. You get the idea.

Babes + Hunks  
Beer Standards  
And the toilets?  

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