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For Pub Owners making loads of money

Background article as to who owns what [13th July 2000]

The vast majority of pub owners in Dublin City and county are making a truckload of money. No two ways about it. Some are even making several truckloads. And good luck to them.

As far as this web site goes, I'll talk with any pub owner and manager who's pub I have reviewed. I'll always change any inaccuracies, but I will NEVER change my opinion on any pub unless the pub itself has taken steps to make some changes. Then I will review it again.

Don't get cocky
Most Dublin pubs are mad busy and very successful. However, pub owners and managers can get complacent and arrogant with a lack of due consideration for us punters who make those pubs so bloody successful.

We are your customers. We give you your large profits. So pay attention to us.

Some pubs care about their punters, others (too many) don't give a damn. "Show me the money" is their mantra.

Is this the Editor?No rip offs
I hope that this site goes a little way in raising and maintaining standards in Dublin pubs. There is sharp practice about, though not much thankfully. Give me time and evidence, I will highlight any sharp practice.


Andy Gilleran

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